「童 · 家築夢」 親子慈善 繪畫大賽 2018
Dreamcatcher Family Charity
Drawing Competition 2018
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The competition has been ended successfully, thanks for participating!
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活動簡介 Summary:
以「我的開心家庭之旅」、「我的夢想家庭」或「最難忘的家庭趣事」為題,小孩及家長於平面媒介共同繪畫作品,作品完成後將會被印製於 T 裇上並派發給參賽家庭作紀念,得獎作品會於本會明年初的週年晚宴場刊及酒會中展出。
Child create a drawing with parent(s), with either of the theme ‘My Happy Family Trip’, ‘My Dream family’ or ‘My Most Unforgettable Family Anecdote’. The artwork will be printed on T-shirt and be distributed to participants. Winner’s work will be displayed in HKCF’s annual dinner banquet early next year.
All enrolment fee and optional donations from Passionate Families will be used to fund grassroots family participants' free entry and HKCF’s long-term development.
形式 Style:
網上 Online
(亦歡迎郵寄或親身遞交作品 Submission by mail or in-person is also welcomed)
截止報名日期 Enrolment Deadline:
2018 / 12 / 03 (星期一 Monday)
對象 Target:
3-12 歲小孩及家長 Parent and child aged 3 - 12
組別 Division (小童年齡以2018年9月1日計算 Child's age counted as at 1st Sept, 2018):
幼兒組:家長和一位3-5歲小童 Elementary Division:
A parent and a child aged between 3 to 5 -
初級組:家長和一位6-8歲小童 Intermediate Division:
A parent and a child aged between 6 to 8 -
高級組:家長和一位9-12歲小童 Advanced Division:
A parent and a child aged between 9 to 12
主題 Theme:
最難忘的家庭趣事 The Most Unforgettable Family Anecdote /
我的開心家庭之旅 My Happy Family Trip/
我的夢想家庭 My Dream Family
作品基本規格 Artwork Specification:
尺寸:A5至A3 尺寸 (不少於148毫米 x 210毫米及不超過 297毫米 ×420毫米),邊框形狀不限
Format: Artwork in 2D only
Creation method: Creation in any medium, type of pigments and materials, but do not accept computerized or digital creation
Size: A5 to A3 size (not less than 148mm x 210mm and not greater than 297mm x 420mm), any shape of boundary
評分準則 Judging Criteria:
創意 Creativity (40%)
色彩運用 Use of Colour (30%)
繪畫技巧 Technique (30%)
報名及提交作品方法 Application method and Artwork Submission:
方法一:網上 Method 1: Online
填寫 網上報名表,並於報名表內提交作品的照片* 及 報名費用或資助證明
Fill in the online form, and submit the artwork photo, application fee or subsidy proof
*照片規格:照片須清晰無陰影或疊影,作品的畫邊須緊貼相片邊緣,不留作品虛位。如作品邊框為不規則,必須以白色襯底 (注意:照片質素將影響作品印製於 T 恤上的質素)
*Photo specification: Photo of the artwork must be clear and without shades. The edges of the artwork abide the edges of the photo frame and leave no gaps in between. If the artwork boundary is irregular, the artwork must be photographed under white background.
方法二:網上+郵寄/親身遞交# Method 2: Online + Mail/ In-person Submission
填寫 網上報名表(包括提交報名費用或資助證明),然後郵寄或親臨本會提交作品
Fill in the online form (inclusive of application fee/ subsidy proof), then submit the artwork by mail or in-person #
方法三:郵寄/親身遞交# Method 3: Mail/ In-person Submission
Mail the application form and artwork via mail of in-person (inclusive of application fee/ subsidy proof)
#郵寄或親身遞交:【香港兒童基金會】九龍鑽石山大有街32號泰力工業中心6樓03-04室。請註明【香港兒童基金會「童 · 家築夢」親子慈善繪畫大賽 2018】及參加者姓名、聯絡電話及參加組別。
#By mail or in person to: Hong Kong Children Foundation to Unit 03-04, 6/F, Laurels Industrial Centre, 32 Tai Yau Street, Diamond Hill, KLN., H.K. Please specify “Hong Kong Children Foundation Family Charity Drawing Competition 2018”.
報名費用 Enrolment Fee:
受資助家庭:免費(只適用於綜援計劃受助 或 全免學校書簿津貼計劃受惠家庭**。名額有限,額滿即止)
Family with subsidy: Free (only applicable to Family under Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme or full subsidy from the School Textbook Assistance (TA) Scheme.** Enrolment based on first-come-first-served basis.)
非受資助家庭:HK$250 / 主題
Family that does not require subsidy: HK$250/ theme
參加者須提交有效的綜援受惠人醫療費用豁免證明書或社會福利署發出的綜援金額通知書 / 書簿津貼結果通知書,以證明參加者的家庭於整個評核年度或現正接受資助
**Family under Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme or full subsidy from the School Textbook Assistance (TA) Scheme:
Participants must provide valid CSSA Recipient's Medical Expenses Exemption Certificate or the Social Security Department's CSSA Amount Notice / TA Scheme results notice in order to prove that participants' family is receiving subsidy throughout the assessment year or is currently receiving subsidy.
每參賽隊伍均獲印製作品的 T 裇 (3件)、證書一張及精美禮物包 Each team will be awarded with 3 T-shirt with the submitted artwork printed on, a certificate and a Gift Pack
評審團隊 Judge Panel:
香港寫實油畫界資深畫家陳仁富先生 Mr. Pierre Chan
香港藝術家辛朝殷先生 Mr. Ryan San
簡介:辛朝殷先生是本地藝術家,亦是藝術設計師時裝品牌X RYAN及設計師珠寶藝術品牌Gem Palace創辦人,作品游走於藝術及設計品之間,並喜歡將豐富情感灌注筆墨之間,經常將作品與不同品牌合作,擁有藝術展覽、現場繪畫表演、大型慈善拍賣、演講分享藝術博覽等經驗,亦獲邀參與國內外藝術盛事。
獎項 Prize:
冠軍 1st Place(每組別 1 隊 One team per division):
-Rainbow Creative Arts 贊助之五感體驗課程一個月及$300課程現金券 Five Sense Art Course and $300 Course Coupon sponsored by Rainbow Creative Arts
-港幣$1000書劵 Book coupon HKD$1000
-冠軍獎盃 1st place Trophy
-作品將於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中展出 The artwork will be showcased in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019
亞軍 2nd Place(每組別 1 隊 One team per division):
-Rainbow Creative Arts 贊助之利是封工作坊及$200課程現金券 Red Packet Workshop and $200 Course Coupon sponsored by Rainbow Creative Arts
-港幣$500書劵 Book coupon HKD$500
-亞軍獎盃 2nd place Trophy
-作品將於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中展出 The artwork will be showcased in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019
季軍 3rd Place(每組別 1 隊 One team per division):
-Rainbow Creative Arts 贊助之利是封工作坊及$100課程現金券 Red Packet Workshop and $100 Course Coupon sponsored by Rainbow Creative Arts
-港幣$300書劵 Book coupon HKD$300
-季軍獎盃 3rd place Trophy
-作品將於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中展出 The artwork will be showcased in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019
殿軍 4th Place(每組別 1 隊 One team per division):
-Rainbow Creative Arts 贊助之利是封工作坊及$50課程現金券 Red Packet Workshop and $50 Course Coupon sponsored by Rainbow Creative Arts
-殿軍獎盃 4th place Trophy
優異獎 Merit Award(每組別 4 隊 Four teams per division):
-優異獎獎牌 Merit medal
-Rainbow Creative Arts 贊助之$100課程現金券 Course Coupon $100 sponsored by Rainbow Creative Arts
網絡人氣大獎 Internet Popularity Award:
(網上 Facebook 專頁公開投票得票最高者 - 每組別 1 隊 Highest number of votes from Facebook voting - One team per division):
-Rainbow Creative Arts 贊助之利是封工作坊及$200課程現金券 Red Packet Workshop and $200 Course Coupon sponsored by Rainbow Creative Arts
-作品將於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中展出 The artwork will be showcased in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019
過往活動參與機構 Organizations Supported HKCF's Previous Activities(排名不分先後 Names in no particular order):
新家園協會 New Home Association
香港單親協會 Hong Kong Single Parents Association
香港聾人子女協會 CODA Hong Kong
香港弱智人士家長聯會 The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped
陳校長免費補習天地 Principal Chan Free Tutorial World
資優教育基金「閃耀之星」Gifted Education Foundation
樂善堂學校 Affiliated schools of Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society
香港幼稚園協會 Hong Kong Kindergarten Association
本比賽由香港時間 2018 年 9 月 1 日至2018 年 12 月03 日(「比賽期」)舉行,並於2018年12月13日在本會網頁內公佈賽果,得獎者將獲個別通知
Terms and Conditions
Each group can submit each topic once only.
Entries (artwork) must be created based on this competition. The artwork must be unpublished, never been publicly displayed, and has never participated in any competition or gain any awards in Hong Kong or elsewhere.
Entries must be original and the participant must ensure that the entry does not infringe upon the rights of others (including copyright). If the entry causes any infringement liability or violates Hong Kong law, the relevant legal liability or any claim will be borne by the entrant and the entrant must compensate all losses to HKCF and the sponsoring organization.
Participants under CSSA Scheme or full subsidy from the School TA Scheme must upload supporting documents. HKCF will confirm the eligibility by email.
For entrant who fails to submit sufficient registration fee (except for participants under CSSA Scheme or full subsidy from the School TA Scheme), the registration will not be valid.
If the entrant provides incorrect or incomplete information, or violates any entry terms and conditions of the competition, HKCF has the right to cancel the qualifications of the participants and retrieve the awarded prizes.
HKCF and the sponsors can own the copyright and user rights of all entries and related photos. Upon submission of all entries, the entrant agrees and grants HKCF and the Sponsoring Authority the right to use, modify, reproduce or publicly display the works in any form without notice and payment to the entrant or any person.
The personal data collected by the HKCF is only used by HKCF and the service providers authorized by HKCF to make receipts, newsletters, fundraising and collecting opinions. All information is strictly confidential. Applicants must confirm that the information entered on the registration form is correct. Once the registration is accepted, the registration fee will not be refunded.
The competition will be held from September 1, 2018 to December 3, 2018 HKT (the "Contest Period"). The results will be announced on HKCF’s website on December 13, 2018. Winners will be notified individually.
Participants are required to participate in the competition during the competition period in accordance with the relevant terms. If the personal data is incomplete, untrue or inaccurate, it will be considered as waiving the eligibility for the competition and entrant will not be notified otherwise. HKCF and/or its affiliates will not make any compensation.
If the winners or the winners’ parents or guardians are unable to retrieve the prize within 14 days after the results are announced (i.e. December 27, 2018), it will be treated as an automatic waiver. Winner's qualification will be cancelled. HKCF will not be liable and will not issue any compensation. HKCF will retain the right to handle the prize.
In case of any dispute, HKCF retains the final decision of all competition details and rules.
HKCF has the right to modify and explain the above rules.