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香港兒童基金會 x 正向心理學會
「與情緒共舞」- 正向家長工作坊
活動日期 Event date: 25-5-2019 (星期六/ SAT)
主講 : 胡君孟先生 (正向家長學院創院院長)
• 照顧孩子的情緒管理
• 認識情緒及對兒童心理發展的重要性
• 引導兒童與情緒正面溝通之方法
時間 Time: 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
地點 : 旺角漢師德萃學校 (旺角洗衣街22號)
Location: VNSAA St. Hilary's Primary School
報名資格: 低收入家庭
Application Qualification: Low-income Family
*Proof of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), School Textbook Assistance (TA) - full subsidy is required
費用: 免費
Fee: Free
適合年齡: 3-12歲孩童的家長
Age: 3-12 years old child's parents
截止報名日期 Closing date for entries:
18-5-2019 (星期六 / SAT) (名額有限,額滿即止)
Organizer Website:
Please fill in the following information for enrolment.
Child's Details
Number of Participants
Participating Parent’s Details
證明文件上載 Supporting Document Upload
參加者須上載有效的綜援受惠人醫療費用豁免證明書或社會福利署發出的綜援金額通知書 / 書簿津貼結果通知書,以證明參加者之家庭於整個評核年度或現正接受資助。收到我們電郵確認,報名才有效。
Participants must upload valid CSSA Recipient's Medical Expenses Exemption Certificate or the Social Security Department's CSSA Amount Notice / TA Scheme results notice in order to prove that the family is receiving subsidy throughout the assessment year or is currently receiving subsidy. The registration will become valid only after retrieval of our confirmation via email.
*只接受JPG格式 / Only accept JPG format
* 如因其他格式問題而未能成功於上載按鈕上載證明文件,請把文件電郵到 並注明參加者姓名及聯絡電話,並請於以下方格輸入您的電郵地址。
*If you are unable to upload the supporting document due to other format issue, please submit it via email at and specify the Participants' name, Team name and contact number. Please enter your corresponding email address below:
其他資料 Other
您從何得知此活動? How do you know this activity?
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* The information provided by the applicant is only for the purposes of this Council's statistics, future contacts and opinion surveys.
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