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舞動 Catwlk Show 2019

活動簡介 Event Summary:

小孩長得快,衣物穿不久便變得不合適。為了實踐環保、減少浪費,家長也可以與孩子出一分力,一起動手把舊衣改造成新的服裝!在教育孩子「重用」及「惜物」的環保概念之餘,可啟發孩子的想像力並與孩子共同創作。本會現正舉辦親子慈善 Fashion Show,讓小孩與家長把舊衣物改造成小孩新服裝,然後於時裝表演活動當日穿上服裝於舞台上走貓步 (catwalk) 展示作品,讓小孩一嚐當「模特兒」的滋味。得獎者除了可贏取豐富禮品及獎狀,更會獲邀於本會明年初的週年晚宴中穿上作品走貓步,及可把作品捐贈作慈善拍賣。


舞動Catwalk poster with family.jpg

日期 Date:

2018 - 9 - 29 (星期日 Sunday)

時間 Time:

15:00 - 18:00

地點 Venue:

漢師德萃學校禮堂  (Hall of VNSAA St. Hilary's School)

地址 Address:

香港九龍旺角洗衣街 22 號  (22 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong)


先教學小朋友catwalk 技巧, 再自行加入家長與小朋

參加組別 Division(小童歲數以比賽日作準  2019-9-29):

  • 幼兒組:一位 3-5 歲小孩及不多於兩位家長  

  • 初級組:一位 6-8 歲小孩及不多於兩位家長  

  • 高級組:一位 9-12 歲小孩及不多於兩位家長 

  • 全場最佳創意獎、最佳人氣獎、最佳台風獎、最合拍親子組合

報名費用 Enrollment Fee:

HK$380/組別 Group 
(每參賽隊伍將獲得証書及精美禮物包 Each participating team will receive a certificate and a  Gift Pack)

Entry fee of grassroots families with document proofcan be waived


參加者須提交有效的綜援受惠人醫療費用豁免證明書或社會福利署發出的綜援金額通知書 / 書簿津貼結果通知書,

*Only applicable to family under Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme or full subsidy
from the School Textbook Assistance (TA) Scheme

Participants must provide valid CSSA Recipient's Medical Expenses Exemption Certificate or the Social Security
Department's CSSA Amount Notice / TA Scheme results notice in orde to prove that participants' family is receiving
subsidy throughout the assessment year or is currently receiving subsidy.

嘉賓 Special Guests排名不分先後 Names in no particular order

  1. 立法會紡織及製衣界功能界別 鍾國斌議員 

    Mr. Felix Chung, LegCo Member of Textiles and Garment constituency

  2. 建時地產有限公司主席 施家殷先生 MH

    Mr. Kyran Sze MH, Chairman of KYSS Properties Ltd.

  3. 東科技設計有限公司主席 白家寶小姐

    Ms. Bobo Pak, Chairman of East Technologies Ltd.

  4. 正向家長學院創辦人兼營運總監 梁辰民先生
    Mr. Ringle Leung, Founder & CEO of Healthymind Parents Academy

  5. The Surian 創辦人及設計師 李卓妍小姐
    Ms. Cerine Lee, Founder and Designer of The Surian

  6. 香港理工大學紡織及服裝學系助理教授 林枝衍博士
    Dr Jin Lam, Assistant Professor Institute of Textiles and Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  7. 童星 胡梓盈小朋友
    Ms. Keicy Wu, Child Star

獎項 Prize:

  • 冠軍 1st Place(每組別 1 One team per division)
    -Retykle 兒童服裝禮劵(港幣500元現金劵)Retykle fashion apparel voucher (HK$500)
    -星培舞蹈藝術教室 In Motion Dance Group之舞蹈體驗班(4堂)Dance lessons from Agape Dance Studio or In Motion Dance Group (4 lessons)
    -Eurekakids 精美玩具 Toys from Eurekakids
    -冠軍獎盃 1st place Trophy 
    -會獲邀於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中演繹作品 Invitation to showcase the creation in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019


  • 亞軍 2nd Place(每組別 1 One team per division)
    -星培舞蹈藝術教室 In Motion Dance Group之舞蹈體驗班(3堂)Dance lessons from Agape Dance Studio or In Motion Dance Group (3 lessons)
    -Eurekakids 精美玩具 Toys from Eurekakids
    -亞軍獎盃 2nd place Trophy
    -會獲邀於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中演繹作品 Invitation to showcase the creation in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019


  • 季軍 3rd Place(每組別 1 One team per division)
    -星培舞蹈藝術教室 In Motion Dance Group之舞蹈體驗班(2堂)Dance lessons from Agape Dance Studio or In Motion Dance Group (2 lessons)
    -Eurekakids 精美玩具 Toys from Eurekakids
    -季軍獎盃 3rd place Trophy
    -會獲邀於明年一月的本會週年籌款宴中演繹作品 Invitation to showcase the creation in HKCF Annual Fundraising Dinner in January 2019

  • 殿軍 4th Place(每組別 1 One team per division)
    -星培舞蹈藝術教室 In Motion Dance Group之舞蹈體驗班(1堂)Dance lesson from Agape Dance Studio or In Motion Dance Group (1 lesson)

    -Eurekakids 精美玩具 Toys from Eurekakids
    -殿軍獎盃 4th place Trophy 


  • 優異獎 Merit Award(每組別 4 隊 Four teams per division)
    -優異獎獎牌 Merit medal

過往活動參與機構 Organizations Supported HKCF's Previous Activities(排名不分先後 Names in no particular order):

  • 新家園協會 New Home Association

  • 香港單親協會 Hong Kong Single Parents Association

  • 香港聾人子女協會 CODA Hong Kong

  • 陳校長免費補習天地 Principal Chan Free Tutorial World

  • 香港童聲合唱團 Hong Kong Treble Choir

  • 資優教育基金「閃耀之星」Gifted Education Foundation

  • 樂善堂學校 Affiliated schools of Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society

  • 香港幼稚園協會 Hong Kong Kindergarten Association

鍾國斌議員 Mr. Felix Chung
 施家殷先生 MH Mr. Kyran Sze MH
白家寶小姐 Ms. Bobo Pak
Cerine .jpg
Jin_Lam Portrait.jpg
胡梓盈小朋友 Ms. Keicy Wu
舊衣變新範例 Upcycling examples
範例1 Example 1
成人襯衣 --> 女孩連衣裙
(Adult's shirt -> Girl's dress)
Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 3.55.09 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 3.51.02 PM.png

參考來源 Reference:(Instagram) sarahtyau

範例2 Example 2
成人襯衣 --> 男孩褲  / 男孩套裝
Adult's shirt -> Boy's trousers / Boy's suit

參考來源 Reference:Hanna-Herz  - Screen Shot 2018-09-26

參考來源 Reference:Melly Sew's

範例3 Example 3
嬰兒連身衣 --> 小孩上衣
Baby's one piece -> Child's T-shirt
範例4 (配搭)  Example 4 (Accessories) 
舊T恤 --> 頭帶
T-shirt --> Headband

參考來源 Reference:Ruffle and Stuff

the blog societies.png

參考來源 Reference:The Blog Societies

活動指引 Activity Guide:





1. Participants must convert old clothing (e.g. personal old clothes, adult's clothes or recycled clothes) into innovative child clothing with at least one clothing item: top , bottom or one-piece clothing. Judging will be solely based on the modified clothing item(s) on the child and/or the accessories created in an environmentally-friendly manner that is/are worn by the child on the event day. Modification parts can be materials other than clothing items.

2. The modified clothes should be based on environmentally-friendly principle. No restriction on the theme. Participants can transform the clothing/fabrics into fashionable clothing that can be worn everyday, or base on a theme or festival that the costume can be worn  (e.g. Halloween costume, party costume). In addition to the modification of clothing, the matching clothing and accessories should also be based on environmentally-friendly principle (such as: avoid purchasing new items solely for matching the outfit creation, which is in contradiction to the purpose of the event). Participants can also create accessories out of environmentally materials/ elements.

3. Participants must upload  a photo of the 'original clothing' that is before the makeover (must be in digital format), which will be used on the event day to portrait the 'before' and 'after' look of the creation. 

4. Parent(s) can do catwalk on stage with child, with maximum of 2 parents. 


  • 如屬綜援計劃受助或全免學校書簿津貼計劃受惠家庭之參加者,必須提交證明文件。參賽資格將以本會之確認電郵為準

  • 如參賽者未有提交足夠報名費(綜援計劃受助或全免學校書簿津貼計劃受惠家庭之參加者除外),報名將不獲確認。

  • 參賽資格不可轉讓。參加者須確保其提供的個人資料正確無誤。如有違規者因虛報資料或偽冒他人身份參賽而導致本會或其他參加者蒙受損失,本會保留向相關人士追究法律責任的權利。

  • 大會保留限制及拒絕接受報名的權利。

  • 如香港天文台在活動當日上午 9 時已發出紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號、3 號或以上熱帶氣旋訊號,活動將會取消。任何有關活動的臨時改動或取消,將以大會網站公佈為準。 

  • 如活動因惡劣天氣或其他原因被迫取消,活動將不會重辦,而所有捐款及費用將不獲退還。

  • 大會保留使用參加者的肖像權作活動宣傳之用。

  • 大會擁有修改及解釋以上規則及資料的權利。

  • 如有任何爭議,本會將保留一切比賽細節及規則的最終決定權

Terms and Conditions

  • Participants under CSSA Scheme or full subsidy from the School TA Scheme must upload supporting documents. Participant’s eligibility will be confirmed by email sent out from HKCF.

  • For entrant who fails to submit sufficient registration fee (except for participants under CSSA Scheme or full subsidy from the School TA Scheme), the registration will not be valid.

  • Competition entries are strictly non-transferable. Participants should ensure that the personal data he or she provides is accurate. In the event of false declaration or impersonation resulting in loss or damage to HKCF or other participants, HKCF reserves the rights to take legal actions against the parties involved. 

  • HKCF reserves the rights to limit and refuse entries without providing any reasons to the participants. 

  • The event will be cancelled if the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signals, or the Tropical Cyclone Signal No.3 or above is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory at or before 9 a.m. on the event day. Any temporary changes or cancellations of the event will be subject to the announcement on HKCF’s website.

  • If the event is cancelled due to bad weathers or other circumstances, all donations and fees will not be refunded. 

  • HKCF reserves the rights to use the images of participants for promotional purposes.

  • HKCF has the rights to modify and explain the above rules

  • In case of any dispute, HKCF retains the final decision of all competition details and rules.

贊助機構  Sponsoring Organizations:
d&p logo-1.jpg
Lady M temp.png
保心安 updated.png
RETYKLE_MAIN _Blue_V (1).png
Speedy Group .png
支持機構  Supporting Organizations:
Baby Kingdom.png
New Monita Academy logo (1).jpg
媒體伙伴 Media Supporter:
(排名按機構英文名稱字母先後為序 Organizations'  names in alphabetical order)

關於我們 About Us 

香港兒童基金會於2018年1月份成立,是香港註冊的慈善團體 (《稅務條例》第88條獲豁免繳稅: 91/15882),由一群年青有心有力、熱心服務社會、關心基層兒童成長的人士所組成。

HKCF was established in January 2018 and is a registered charitable institution exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Ref. No.: 91/15882). It is organized by a group of young people who are committed to serving the community and caring for the growth of underprivileged children.

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香港上環 永樂街93-103 協成行中心


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93-103 Wing Lok Street, 
Sheung Wan, HK


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